
Storyboard Template

Where does a great story start? Undoubtedly, in someone’s mind. However, whether it ends up as a great video or movie includes many stages and one of them is storyboarding.

Creators need to explain themselves to the world, mainly stakeholders, and the team involved in order to get started. A storyboard also helps them to understand their intent better too because brainstorming and creation are never easy to understand, even for those who create.

Very often, the time from the moment the idea was born to the moment it needs to be presented is very short. In this case, a ready-to-use storyboard template will come in handy. Besides that, utilizing storyboard templates saves creators time they can devote to exploring characters, thinking about plots, developing unexpected situations, etc.

In other words, a storyboard template is a great way to ease the process that is hard and requires effort, creativity, talent, self-criticism, and millions of different skills.

The xTiles Storyboard Template may serve as a tool for quick and comprehensive sketching of your future videos. Additionally, we offer a quick guide on what a storyboard is, how to create one, and provide an example of a storyboard to show you what to expect in practice.

What is a storyboard?

A storyboard definition may be already known to you from the name itself. It is a vital tool in the process of creating a video, serving as a graphic representation and roadmap for how the video will unfold, shot by shot. It provides a visual outline of the scenes, depicting each shot with illustrations or pictures, accompanied by notes describing the actions and dialogue taking place in the script during that particular shot. Essentially, a storyboard can be likened to a comic book version of your video script.

By utilizing a storyboard, you gain a comprehensive plan and direction for your video production. Similar to a script, it visually guides you throughout the entire process, enabling you to effectively plan and execute the necessary shots when filming commences. Early on, you can seek feedback from others and easily make adjustments to your storyboard, avoiding significant changes during the filming stage.

Creating a compelling storyboard doesn’t require advanced artistic skills, although they can certainly enhance visual representation. Storyboards can range from rough sketches resembling comic book panels to simple stick figures or even computer-generated drawings. 

By familiarizing yourself with various storyboarding methods, you can choose the approach that best suits your needs.

Understanding the essential elements of every storyboard is crucial. These elements include capturing the key scenes, shot compositions, camera movements, character positions, and any important props or visual details necessary for conveying the desired message effectively.

Additionally, there are popular storyboarding methods that offer a systematic approach. Two such methods include:

  1. The traditional storyboarding method involves creating a sequence of squares, each representing a shot, and placing illustrations or images within them. Below each square, you can provide annotations or descriptions detailing the actions and dialogue occurring in that shot. Traditional storyboarding allows for a linear visualization of the video, ensuring a smooth flow and coherence.
  2. Thumbnail storyboarding involves creating small thumbnail sketches or rough drawings of each shot arranged in sequence. These thumbnails offer a quick overview of the visual composition and help in mapping out the progression of the video. They are especially useful for rapidly generating ideas and exploring different shot options.

No matter what is the budget of your project or how highly you’re skilled, a well-crafted storyboard will be your clear and organized roadmap to seamlessly guide you through the production process. It empowers creators to bring their unique vision to life and ensures that their video aligns with the intended message and storytelling goals.

Why do creators need storyboards?

In the process of video production, creating a storyboard may initially seem like an additional step, but its importance should not be underestimated. Here are three compelling reasons why incorporating a storyboard is crucial:

  1. Best way to share your vision

Communicating and conveying your vision for the video can often be challenging, especially when relying solely on verbal explanations or written documents like scripts. 

Stakeholders and team members may struggle to visualize your ideas accurately. However, with a storyboard, you can present a visual representation that precisely maps out the sequence and appearance of your video. 

By showcasing the visuals, compositions, and flow of the video through the storyboard, you provide a tangible reference that significantly improves others’ understanding of your creative concept.

  1. Makes production much easier

Storyboarding serves as a blueprint for your video production, offering a comprehensive plan that encompasses all the necessary shots, their sequence, and the integration of visuals with the script. It acts as a starting point, guiding you in planning the coverage for each scene, including the different angles and perspectives to be captured. 

This detailed roadmap greatly facilitates the production process by ensuring that no crucial scenes are overlooked and enabling you to piece together the footage according to your envisioned narrative.

  1. Saves you time: 

Although creating a storyboard requires an initial investment of time, it ultimately saves time during the later stages of production. By having a visual representation of your video’s structure and key elements, you can effectively communicate your vision to your team, minimizing misunderstandings and the need for extensive revisions. 

The storyboard streamlines the creation process by providing clarity and alignment, helping you stay focused on your original concept and reducing potential delays and iterations.

In summary, integrating a storyboard into your video production process enhances communication, streamlines production, and ultimately saves time. It enables you to effectively share your vision, facilitates planning and execution, and contributes to a smoother workflow, ensuring that your video aligns with your creative intentions while minimizing revisions and maximizing efficiency.

What is a storyboard template?

A storyboard template serves as a visual planning tool that aids in organizing and mapping out the key elements of a story, video, or animation. It typically consists of a series of boxes or frames that depict the sequence of events in the narrative, accompanied by space for written or visual notes to provide contextual details. By utilizing a storyboard template, you can streamline the creative process, making it easier to plan and visualize complex ideas effectively. 

Storyboard templates hold significant importance as they contribute to the organization and structure of creative projects. They serve as a framework to plan and outline the visual progression of a story, ensuring that the desired message is conveyed coherently. These templates find applications in various domains, ranging from film and video production to marketing campaigns and educational initiatives.

Different video storyboard templates offer diverse approaches to presenting and organizing the narrative:

  1. Linear storyboards arrange the frames in a sequential order, enabling a straightforward representation of the story’s progression. 
  2. Nonlinear storyboards utilize visual cues to demonstrate the relationships between different elements, allowing for a more dynamic and interconnected representation. 
  3. Branching storyboards are employed to map out multiple possible paths or outcomes, while modular storyboards offer flexibility in arranging various components, facilitating easy rearrangement and experimentation.

Using a storyboard template for video offers several benefits throughout the creative process. Firstly, it saves time by providing a clear visual representation of the story or project, aiding in the efficient communication of ideas among team members. It allows stakeholders to grasp the creative vision more easily and provide relevant feedback. Secondly, a storyboard template helps identify potential issues or areas for improvement at an early stage, enabling necessary adjustments to be made before significant resources are allocated. This proactive approach minimizes the risk of wasted efforts and enhances the overall quality of the final output.

How to create a storyboard using the xTiles Storyboard Template?

The traditional approach involves sketching or drawing each frame on paper, arranging them in sequence to capture the flow of your video. This method allows for a hands-on, tactile experience, giving you the freedom to add annotations or notes alongside the images to provide additional context.

However, doing everything on paper might take a long time, and the process might get complicated if you need to edit some parts. The alternative – ready-to-use storyboard template and storyboard software and apps can be an efficient and much faster way to create a workable storyboard.

By providing creators with a ready structure where they can insert their data, a template shortens the time needed for storyboard creation, which means they have more time for creating the video itself. Also, when people are pressed for time and need to present their video intent urgently, such a template will come in handy as the shortest method for storyboarding.

Since we decided to use a template because many storyboard apps and software may require paid subscriptions, the first step of storyboarding – creating blank spaces is unnecessary. Everything is already done. Additionally, you can add more scenes or delete some if you need to, as the xTiles Storyboard Template is easily customizable.

When drafting your storyboard, it’s important not to worry about drawing skills because stick figures are enough in 9 out of 10 cases. Leave your skills and creativity to the actual video, yet don’t forget to add comprehensive accompanying text for each scene, which will help people visualize your intent more clearly and detailed. Context will eliminate the low level (if it’s low) of your drawings and in case you pour your heart into your sketches, it will help to create an even greater picture.

Also, it’s important to know that your drawings don’t have to be detailed or even in color. Even bad drawings, if they have a shared style, will present your intent. Your main task when sketching is to provide enough visual details so people who review your work can get the point.

Beneath each scene, you need to describe what is happening. Yes, that’s true. Your storyboard looks much like a comic book. That’s why it’s important to keep it simple, so anyone can understand and relate to what you’re trying to tell.

As you can see, employing a storyboard template enhances organization, facilitates communication, and promotes efficient planning and visualization of ideas. It optimizes the creative process by offering a tangible framework and serves as a valuable tool in identifying and addressing potential challenges during the early stages of a project.

Story Writing

Story Outline

All great books were story outlines at one time. Between a raw idea that suddenly comes to your mind and a finished text lies many pages of attempts, editing, rewriting from scratch, and a bit of frustration. A story outline helps you overcome that path easier and faster, and a story outline template brings you clearance and understanding of where to move.

Some people may consider story outlines as obstacles to their creativity. That misconception is popular due to the wrong understanding of a story outline and when a writer needs it.

Spur of the moment splash of creativity can’t be stopped or devastated by a plan. No writer must strictly follow the plan if they feel their story no longer matches the first intent. A story outline is a map to help you get to the finish safely while enjoying your road. However, you can change your place of arrival anytime you want.

Did you know that “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley was originally intended to be a ghost story, but it ended up becoming a science fiction masterpiece that explores the dangers of playing God?

Did you know that J. D. Salinger initially intended to write a novel about a prep school teacher, but as he wrote, the focus shifted to the rebellious and angsty Holden Caulfield and his experiences navigating adolescence?

In other words, a story outline is here not to stop your writing or put it into a frame but to encourage and support you.

The xTiles Story Outline Template will help you quickly come up with the main points of your story, provide you with a clear overview of your intent, and save you time on preparation and planning so that you can rush into action.

Also, we offer you a story outline example and a detailed guide on how to write a story outline to help you create your own that may become a great story someday.

What is a story outline?

A story outline is a basic plan for a future story. It’s a roadmap that outlines the major events and plot points that will take place in the story.

Sometimes authors add characters, settings, and key elements to the story outline document. That helps to see and analyze the future story clearly on misconceptions, mistakes, deadends, etc.

The outline can be as detailed or as simple as the writer desires. However, the more complicated the story is planned, the more detailed plan an author needs to keep all details harmonized.

No story outline or its negligence might lead to confusion and mistakes in texts. If there is an editor or proofreader, they may find them and fix them. However, even professionals sometimes miss mistakes, and texts get published with inconsistencies.

For example, in his “Heart of Darkness,” Joseph Conrad accidentally changes the age of one of his characters from 32 to 38 and back again. Jane Austine, in ” Pride and Prejudice,” makes the same kind of mistake. Mr. Bennet says that he has been married for 23 years, but later on, it is revealed that he has been married for 24 years. 

A story outline won’t protect you from all possible mistakes, but it will definitely minimize the appearance of such inconsistencies in your texts.

A story outline structure depends on the story itself and on the author’s way of planning. Usually, there are next sections:

  1. Introduction, where an author outlines the beginning of a story and where the main character or characters appear.
  2. Rising Action, where an author describes events that will build tension and raise problems to move the story forward.
  3. Climax, where tension reaches its highest point in the story, and the conflict gets resolved.
  4. Falling Action, where the events take place after the climax, leading to the logical resolution of the story.
  5. Conclusion, where the story ends, and the characters move on with their lives.

Not all stories can be put within that list. Literature has overcome a long path to ruin all the possible standards that might oppress people’s creativity. Hundreds of innovators spend years trying to show that there are no frames and cages to captivate real talent. It will find its way out via texts of bizarre and flamboyant forms.

That’s why the story outline method and story outline templates are just tools to coordinate your writing and keep you concentrated on your idea.

When does a writer need a story outline?

The safest option is to use a story outline for every fictional piece a writer is about to start writing. However, it may not be possible due to different reasons. For example, Ernest Shackleton wrote a book about his Antarctic expedition while stranded on an ice floe.

Some notable writers preferred or at least experimented occasionally with writing stories without a strict outline. Jack Kerouac famously wrote “On the Road” in a stream-of-consciousness style, without an outline or plan. Stephen King has said that he often begins writing a story with no clear plan or outline, letting the characters and plot develop as he goes.

Their experience may be alluring. However, skipping the planning and brainstorming stages is not always the best idea, especially when you’re new to writing.

If a novice writer wants to break stereotypes, they need to learn how to play by rules first, and outlining their stories before writing them will help to do it.

Traditional texts have their own rules and demand a certain structure. Usually, it’s a before-mentioned five-part structure with an introduction, rising action, climax, etc.

Unless you study literature, whether on your own or in college, you might not define those parts on your own. Without understanding how a text works, you might not build a story that will work for a reader.

Writing a story outline is important for a good beginning. Yet, you may do it at any stage of the writing process, depending on your individual approach, preferences, or current circumstances.

  1. At the planning stage, when you only begin your new writing project, you may find it helpful to create a story outline as a way to organize your thoughts and ideas, making it easier to develop the plot, characters, and settings.
  2. At the revision stage, when you review your existing draft, you may outline your story to identify areas that need improvement and find plot holes or weak characters or arcs.
  3. At the collaboration stage, when/if working with your co-writers or editors, you may create an outline to ensure that every participant is on the same page. It will ease your collaboration on a shared version by providing you with a clear understanding of the story’s structure and plot,
  4. Finally, you may outline your story to manage your time, whether you write in your free time or it’s your main job. An outline will help you understand how much time you will need to spend on each part of your text and plan it accordingly to your other activities so that no deadline will be missed.

Additionally, when breaking the story down into manageable chunks, writers can more easily track progress and set goals for themselves. That may be particularly useful for long writing projects, such as novels or screenplays.

Story outline templates

A story outline is a basic framework to make writing easier and more enjoyable without producing text with mistakes, inconsistencies, and holes. 

A story outline template is the next step, making the process of writing an outline even more manageable. It will help you plan each part of your future story according to your initial idea and stick to it throughout the writing process.

Creating a document and taking care of its visual elements may be time-consuming. If there’s no option to organize everything as you like it, you may refuse the idea of using a story outline at all.

Also, poor customization functionality, like in the story outline template for Google Docs, might complicate the process of creating an outline.

xTiles offers an easily customizable story outline template that you can freely share with everyone on the internet and change whenever you want and need.

The ability to add and embed visual content allows you to create an outline representing your idea on different levels through different expressive means.

The xTiles Story Outline template may benefit writers in several ways:

  1. It helps to organize the story.

Every story detail is important, whether you’re writing a short story outline or an epic novel outline. And every detail has to have its own place to work in your story as you intended. A story outline template will help authors avoid being drawn into details, descriptions, twists, and information about characters and settings.

  1. It helps save time.

A template is a basic framework to build upon a story. Having a predefined structure, a template ensures a writer doesn’t miss important details.

  1. It helps adapt and modify a story if you change your intent.

Your story may change dozens of times until you finish it. Sometimes a story is so consuming that authors become led by it. 

By the way, plots about creators who become consumed by their works are pretty popular. You may find that in Stephen King’s “Secret Window, Secret Garden,” where the protagonist becomes consumed by his writing and descends into madness as he struggles to complete his latest work, or in Philip Roth’s “The Ghost Writer,” where the protagonist becomes consumed by the story of his subject.

  1. It helps maintain consistency throughout a story.

A template helps to ensure that important elements, such as character traits and plot points, remain coherent and cohesive.

  1. It helps writers stay focused on the overall direction of the narrative and avoid getting sidetracked by tangents or irrelevant details.

As you write, your creativity continues to produce new ideas and details that may be important for your story development. However, you can’t put everything because some may cancel others and vice versa. A template will help you from getting astray.

Also, it’s a great place to note all your ideas that can’t be used in the current story but may make the next one interesting.

  1. It helps to identify potential problems with a story early on.

If you finished your story, and there were no challenges, no hard decisions, or no holes, you probably need to check it once again, especially if you didn’t outline your story before starting.

A template will help you see potential problems with the plot, characters, arcs, and characters and address them before they become more difficult to fix later on in the writing process.

However, you need to understand that you can’t protect your story from inconsistencies fully. The larger your story will be, the more you might miss. J. R. R. Tolkien revised and rewrote large portions of “The Lord of the Rings” over many years to address issues with plot and characterization. Margaret Mitchell reportedly rewrote the ending of “Gone with the Wind” multiple times before settling on the final version.

How to write a story outline?

Writing a story outline may be crucial for the writing process, as it helps writers to structure their stories and ensures that they will have clear and compelling narrative arcs.

Many authors don’t write a word of their next story without outlining it first. For example, J. K. Rowling is famous for her detailed outlines and planning processes in the Harry Potter series. She reportedly created extensive character profiles and plot outlines for each of the seven books before beginning to write.

Another famous author known for his well-planned plots and settings is George R. R. Martin. He creates extensive outlines and character profiles for his novels and has spoken about the challenges of balancing plot and character development throughout a long series.

Definitely, every author has their own style of writing and their own approach to planning writing. However, when you’re new to writing, you need to start with basic principles to build your own upon them.

The xTiles Story Outline Template allows you to create an outline to develop your story step-by-step. We also provide you with a guide and an example to make it easier. The sample is about Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, so there should be no problem understanding plot elements and how they work together.

Here are some general steps you may follow to write a story outline using our template:

  1. Start with basic information about your story. That section is particularly important if you work on a few stories simultaneously. It will help you easily switch between different plots, characters, and settings. Also, it will help to catch the needed vibe after long pauses.

Start with the name of your story. It may be just a working title that may change later. Try not to waste too much time creating a very eloquent name if there are no ideas. It may come to you naturally while working on the text.

Then shortly describe the settings. You may avoid details like landscapes. A geographical name may be enough to understand where the story takes place clearly.

Don’t forget about the time as it may be very important. 8 out of 10 times, inconsistencies we find in books concern timelines. Having it written down handy will help you keep in mind that you can’t deviate if it’s not a part of the story.

If your story takes place in a few different timelines, write down all of them. You may even add short descriptions to distinguish them better.

Finally, describe with a few adjectives the atmosphere of your story. It may change over the course of the action, so you may need to widen this part.

  1. Describe your story background. Tell a bit about your characters, how they ended up in the situation you’re about to describe, what they did before you decided to tell the world about them, etc.

That step may require previous research to understand where and when everything is happening. That will be easier if you want to write a sci-fi or fantasy book because you can make out most of the attributes of the setting world.

If you want your invented world to relate to your readers, you may need to use some cultures or historical periods as a base. For example, J. R. R. Tolkien used Celtic and Scandinavian mythologies when creating his Middle-earth, steampunk uses a Victorian Epoque, etc.

Historic stories require thorough research because each detail is hugely important. When an author mixes up the age of their characters, it represents a lack of attention. However, when they mix up historical details, it may be considered disrespectful to readers.

  1. Develop your future characters. If you get to know them better before you start, you will better understand them and their purposes over the course of the story.

Describe the most important point about them, how they look, and whether it has any effect on how they behave and how other people look at them. Think about whether they have some fears, what kind of music they like, what are their guilty pleasures, their first memory, etc. 

Become friends with them or enemies. You need to feel something about your characters. This way, you will ensure your readers will consider them real people and not empty and flat profiles with no motivation and background.

Sometimes great characters become very significant parts of the culture. Think about Don Juan, Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, Faust, etc. So, developing your characters is never a waste of time. After all, some tiny detail about them may become a game-changer in the whole story.

  1. List the central actions of the story scene by scene. Start with the introduction or inciting event. 

Many writers concentrate on the first sentence or paragraph of their text too much, thinking that there’s no other chance to catch readers’ attention than to amuse or shock them from the beginning.

However, developing your first scene is much more important. Judging a book by its first sentence is even worse than judging it by its cover, and a rare reader will do that.

Also, remember that there has to be a smooth transition between scenes to make your story concise and coherent unless you plan to build it against traditional rules of storytelling.

  1. Finally, describe your story plot, its central conflict and what your characters are trying to resolve, what motivates them to do their job, etc.

That part is a quick summary of your story that helps you better understand your characters and how they feel inside your story.

By now, if you have followed the guide, you have at least a draft of your story outline. If it’s not perfect or far from what you wanted it to be, try again. This time you will have a base and previous experience to build an effective story outline.

Also, remember that your story outline isn’t engraved in stone. You’re free to edit and change it if you feel that your characters lead you in a different direction. Even film scenarios are often rewritten on the set because a team doesn’t relate to the previous draft anymore.

A story outline, even the most detailed one, might have holes because, in the beginning, when you write it, you might not have a clear understanding of the entire intent and what will happen at the end. 

That’s why adding new information to both the text and the outline while working is important. In the end, when reviewing your text, it will be easier to check whether there are some inconsistencies.

Writing is always about attempts and mistakes. Great stories mean a great amount of work and life experience. So, when starting your story, be ready that it might be harder than you expected it to be and that you may start to dislike it after some time as you grow and develop as a personality and writer.

Story outline templates don’t resolve all problems writers usually face, yet they minimize their effect on writing, help organize the process, and work in the long run.

The xTiles Story Outline Template is a base for almost any kind of writing and story. However, it doesn’t stop you from implementing your wildest writing ideas because it’s customizable.

Social Media Calendar

Social Media Content Calendar Template

Success in social media depends on many factors, and thankfully, a lot depends on you. If you want to reach your target audience, your social media posts must be regular and planned. If you want your planning to be easy and seamless, you need to have a workspace built specifically for this task.

The xTiles Social Media Calendar Template is the perfect solution. It shortens the time a social media team needs to organize the planning routine, offers multiple tools to do it efficiently, and allows planning for different projects without a mess.

What is a social media calendar template?

A social media calendar template is a part of a social media management template suite. It’s a tool to assist in the content creation process from the moment content ideas flash upon your mind until the moment they take shape and are posted. It assists in building a social media presence in your industry by serving as a centralized workspace for a team that works on content.

Social media templates can’t effectively replace project management tools. It’s an element of your workflow for building an effective social media strategy and making it come true across different social media channels you decide to use.

However, a social media calendar can hardly be replaced by Google Sheets or Google Calendar because none of them are suitable for creating and implementing a content marketing strategy that can make a difference without forcing social media teams to struggle with all the rows, columns, and poor customization options.

The template is useful not only for planning upcoming social media posts. Social media managers and marketing teams can schedule, track, and optimize their content across various social media platforms using social media calendars. It also helps monitor and evaluate the content you post, its performance, and engagement data to inform future strategy updates.

It features a content calendar with planned social media updates, publication timetables, and content concepts to share on various social networks. Content calendars help marketers plan the social media updates for a particular week and ensure their content is well aligned to specific marketing campaigns or product offerings, enhancing engagement with the right audience.

A well-designed template helps a marketing team to communicate their content through multiple social media channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. This centralized approach is useful to ensure that all the social media channels are consistent and, at the same time, have content that fits the specific site and its audience.

Another good thing about content calendar templates is that they are flexible and help all social media team members. For example, you can use it as an editorial calendar template if you’re responsible for reviewing the content before it gets posted. If a team uses the content calendar regularly, a social media manager can use it for a social media audit to evaluate the strong and weak points of their marketing efforts.

What are the benefits of a Social Media Calendar Template?

An effective social media calendar template brings many benefits for marketing teams and content creators.

What are the drawbacks of using a free social media marketing calendar template? None. While providing you with a centralized spot for turning your marketing efforts into results, it takes nothing in exchange.

Save time with the template

Time is a limited resource. A social media calendar template helps go faster through the content creation process, which is especially important when you have to work with something trendy at the moment.

By centralizing your social media strategy and posting schedule, you can streamline content creation. Especially when dealing with time-sensitive or trending topics that need to be responded to quickly.

​​Organization of the process

Organisation is another big one. A well-structured media content calendar keeps your social media marketing efforts across all platforms on track. You can plan and schedule posts in advance so content keeps flowing even when team members are away on holidays or other commitments.

Posting schedule 

It also enhances long-term planning. You can schedule posts for as long as you need in case a team member responsible for social media content is on vacation.

Long-term planning becomes so much more manageable with a calendar template. You can plan your social media content weeks or even months in advance, in line with broader marketing campaigns and business objectives. This forward-thinking allows for better resource allocation and a balanced mix of content types.

Performance tracking

Performance tracking is also made easier. Many templates have sections for recording post metrics so you can see what content resonates with your audience. This data-driven approach helps you refine your social media strategy over time and achieve your marketing goals more effectively.

Features of use for different social media

Different social media platforms have their own rules, that’s why it’s important to tailor your social media calendar to each platform. A good media content calendar should account for these differences to get the most out of your social media posts across all platforms.

For this reason, the xTiles Social Media Content Calendar Template is flexible to suit your unique vision, your or your team’s way of working, and multiple platforms.

Here are a few examples of how to use the social media calendar template based on the social network you’re preparing a post for:


For this video-centric platform, your social media calendar should focus on longer-form content, like very solid videos that cover the subject from A to Z. However, don’t forget about YouTube Shorts to convince people to try your content after a few-seconds video.

Plan for regular video uploads and consider optimal posting times and video length based on your audience analysis and what your competitors post.

On your social media planning calendar template, include fields for video titles, descriptions, and tags. Also, you may add some notes if there are details your team needs to consider when posting a video.

Additionally, you can track watch time and subscriber growth to measure performance in your calendar. It will help you find out what your audience likes and what doesn’t, what YouTube wants from you, and what types of content it doesn’t show to potential viewers.


TikTok has a fast-paced and trend-driven nature, which needs to directly impact your posts in order to meet your audience’s intent. Your TikTok section in the social media calendar template should be flexible. Allow for spontaneous content creation to jump on trending hashtags and challenges. Schedule regular posts but leave room for real-time adjustments.

Track performance, engagement rates, and follower growth as key indicators and insights for your future content planning.


Your social media content calendar for Instagram should accommodate different post types – feed posts, Stories, Reels, and IGTV. By using all the post types this social network has, you maximize your chances of being heard.

Plan a mix of visual content to ensure a cohesive look across your profile. Include fields for captions, hashtags, and potential collaborations or influencer partnerships. Track reach, engagement, and story views.


For this platform, your social media content calendar should include different post types – text updates, images, videos, and links. Plan for organic posts and paid ads. Consider audience targeting for each post. Track post reach, engagement, and click-through rates.


X is a special platform among all the other ones on this list. With its real-time nature, it allows for planned tweets and spontaneous engagement. Schedule regular posts but leave room for news-jacking and trending topics. Include fields for hashtags and mention relevant accounts. Track retweets, likes, and overall account growth.

You’ll develop a better social media strategy by customizing your social media post calendar template to each platform’s features and audience. This way, your content will resonate with each platform’s audience and generate more engagement. Review and adjust your calendar regularly based on analytics and audience feedback to optimize your social media across all platforms.

Guide to using the Social Media Marketing Calendar Template by xTiles

The xTiles Free Social Media Calendar Template is a flexible tool to help you plan and post relevant content. It is one of our many planning templates to help you with your tasks considering their specifics and aspects, without forcing you to put your plans and posting schedule into something that doesn’t suit them and your team. 

Use this template to manage your social media marketing, save time in content creation, and have a consistent presence across all your social media platforms. Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or part of a bigger marketing team, this will help you improve your social media and workflow.

Here’s how to use it:

The main part of this template is the calendar where you can create and see your planned social media posts. Each post is a task, so you can assign it to people responsible for content creation, reviewing, posting, etc., and see your content at a glance distributed across days and weeks.

Simply create a task on the date you want. Tasks in xTiles are separate from a common note and can be assigned to other people and have different properties for execution. Additionally, assignees will have all tasks (even from different projects) in one menu accessible from any project or workspace. Tasks in xTiles can be recurring, saving time on task management.

Add properties to make it very detailed to avoid confusion:

  • Due date: When to publish

  • Social media platform: Where to share (e.g., Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)

  • Status: Track each post (e.g., Draft, Ready, Published)

  • Content type: Categorise your posts (e.g., Image, Video, Blog link)

  • Assignee: Who is responsible for the post creation.

Also, you can add your post directly to each task.

One of the social media planning template’s strengths is the ability to switch between views. You can sort and filter your planned posts by any field. For example:

  • View all posts for a platform

  • Filter posts by status

  • Get a table with all the posts you need currently

  • Check which posts need visuals

The other part of the xTiles Social Media Posting Calendar Template is for social media content creation process and your content ideas. It will help you accumulate materials and resources for direct planning. Use this page as a brain dump, mood board, or some sort of a little Second Brain related to your content strategy to streamline your planning.

Use the calendar to plan your content. Ensure you have a balanced mix of post types across platforms and align your content with your broader marketing strategy.

Once posted, you can update each task with performance data. This will help you see what content works best with your audience and refine your marketing strategy. A marketing manager can use this data when creating a content calendar for the next month. 

If you’re working on a team, use the template to assign tasks, leave comments, and make sure everyone is on the same page for the content calendar. xTiles is a perfect tool for collaboration due to its flexibility and a wide range of tools that enhance teamwork. Moreover, if your team works across multiple workspaces, you won’t be charged every time. Pay for a user only once and save money for your social media campaigns.

The difference between a free social media calendar template and buying a template: advantages of our service

xTiles free social media calendar template is marketers’ and social media managers’ dream. It has all the features you need to plan your social media campaigns without the cost. This template has customizable views, post task creation, and property fields for due dates and platform specific details.

Unlike paid alternatives, xTiles free template doesn’t compromise on functionality. It can help you with long-term planning, performance tracking, and collaboration – features you only get with premium tools. It’s flexible, so you can use it for any social media strategy or team size.

You can get the same results from expensive social media management tools with this free template. By choosing xTiles you get to keep more of your marketing budget for content creation or advertising and still look professional and organized with your social media management.


How do you create a social media calendar template?

Use the xTiles Social Media Calendar Template, a centralized space to plan. Create tasks for each post and add properties like due date, platform, status, etc. Customize the template to fit your needs and use different views to sort and filter posts.

What should I include in my social media calendar template?

Include fields for a due date, social media platform, status (Draft, Ready, Published), content type (Image, Video, Blog link), etc. Consider adding sections for a target audience, performance metrics, captions, hashtags, and associated marketing campaigns.

For which social media platforms is the social media posting calendar template best suited?

The template is flexible and can be used for any platform, including YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter). The xTiles Social Media Calendar Template can be adapted to each platform’s features, audience expectations, and social media team’s workflow.


Shopping List

Do you use shopping lists to minimize the time you spend in stores? Or do you prefer to rely on your memory?

The second approach may ruin your budget and habits in the long run, not to mention that you waste much more time strolling between shelves.

If you think that creating a list every time you plan to visit a store is not for you because you don’t normally waste your time creating documents or you will lose that piece of paper anyway, a shopping list template is your solution.

If every visit to any store is a torment for you, and you just grab the first things you see to run away as soon as possible, you may try shopping lists too.

The xTiles shopping list template is a ready-to-use framework where you put names of needed items. Additionally, you get them sorted depending on their kind. No long walks in supermarkets from one shelf to another, only to return to the first one.

Except for the template, we offer you a guide on how to get maximum benefit from your shopping list, turn your shopping into a much nicer and less chaotic process, and save time and money.

What is a shopping list?

A shopping list is a record, either written down or stored electronically, that itemizes the products an individual intends to purchase during their shopping trip. It acts as a prompt and a reference to guarantee the acquisition of all required items. 

A shopping list may cover a range of categories, such as groceries, household goods, personal care items, apparel, or any other desired purchases. Also, you may create separate lists for any of these categories.

Creating a shopping list helps people maintain order, save time, and prevent the omission of necessary items. It enables people to pre-plan their shopping and ensures they procure everything necessary while avoiding unnecessary or impulsive buying. Depending on personal preference, shopping lists can be crafted using pen and paper, smartphone applications, or various online platforms.

Shopping lists may be regular or may be created for special occasions. In the first case, a person creates, reviews and updates their shopping list as a week goes. 

In the second case, a person normally doesn’t need a list of items to buy because it’s a repetitive action, so they know what has to be in their trolley and what has to stay away. However, starting a new diet, they need a “guide” to help them buy the necessary items. A keto shopping list or a Mediterranean diet shopping list is quite popular.

Celebrating or moving are other special occasions when people may use shopping lists as a supportive tool. For example, they may create a college shopping list or a Thanksgiving shopping list.

Ultimately, even if you don’t use shopping lists on a regular basis, they will come in handy when the habitual tide of life goes awry for different reasons. In this case, a shopping list template is especially useful because it requires zero previous experience and minimum preparation.

What makes a shopping list effective?

An effective shopping list has several characteristics contributing to its usefulness and functionality. Since its main function is to help you do shopping, we can define the next key factors that make it effective:

  1. Comprehensive

A really good shopping list includes all the necessary items you need to buy. It covers all the standard categories of items people usually purchase, including groceries, household items, personal care products, and any other specific items people require.

  1. Specific

A good shopping list doesn’t make it harder. All the items are defined and specific so that when you’re in the store, you don’t have to stay there and contemplate, for example, what vegetables you exactly need or do you want dark or milk chocolate.

That is particularly important when you make a shopping list for someone else. While you can understand what you meant, someone else might be overwhelmed by the ambiguity of your list.

  1. Organized

A good shopping list has a structure. It’s not a stream of consciousness unless you’re a contemporary writer and your lists are part of your texts. The best approach is to categorize the needed items depending on their location in the store or their nature. For example, dairy products are with dairy products; veggies are with veggies, and so on. That will help you navigate through the store more effectively and consequently. 

  1. Prioritized

When a shopping list is long, and you’re pressured by time, you may prioritize the needed items by their importance or urgency. That will help you ensure that essential items are purchased in any case. And if you have enough time or when you have it again, you can buy other items on your list.

  1. Updated

Unfortunately, you can’t use one shopping list for years. It has to be regularly reviewed and updated.  Remove items you have already purchased and add new items as needed. Also, remove items you didn’t like the last time and add new ones to keep your diet balanced.

  1. Portable

Make sure your shopping list is on you or it is easily accessible. A digital solution such as a smartphone app or a note-taking tool that you can access on the go offers more convenience and easy editing options.

  1. Personalized

A good shopping list is really yours. It reflects your lifestyle, not someone else’s. Tailor it to your dietary requirements, household size, and any specific items you need. That will help you ensure that your shopping list covers all of your needs.

These elements may enhance your shopping list effectiveness and make your shopping experience more efficient and organized.

Paper-based shopping lists VS smartphone apps VS online platforms with list-making features

When it comes to crafting a shopping list, people have a variety of options, including applications, online platforms with list-making features, traditional paper-based lists, Google shopping list, etc. Let’s compare all of them.

  1. Paper Shopping Lists:

This category offers a traditional and tangible approach to list-making. Lists created on paper are easy to write and customize, yet they also easily become messy due to too much customization. 

With a paper list, you can physically carry it to the store, making it accessible even without a digital device. However, paper lists require manual updating and rewriting for each shopping trip, which is time-consuming. 

Additionally, they are susceptible to being lost or damaged if not properly kept or misplaced.

  1. Smartphone apps:

Smartphone apps offer a convenient and portable solution for creating lists. 

These apps have various helpful features, including the ability to categorize items, set reminders, and synchronize your lists across multiple devices, ensuring that your list is always at hand. You can’t lose or forget such a list since it’s always on you.

Usually, these apps allow attaching pictures, including notes, and specifying quantities, to make your list more detailed and comprehensive.

  1. Online Platforms with List-Making Features:

This option offers the convenience of accessing your shopping list from various devices. The only requirement is to have an internet connection. 

These platforms often provide a user-friendly interface where you can easily create and organize your list.

They may offer additional features such as sharing lists with family members or friends, creating multiple lists for different purposes, and even syncing with online grocery delivery services. Online platforms ensure your list is readily available whenever and wherever you need it.

  1. Google Shopping List:

Google Shopping List is a specific list-making feature offered by Google. It allows adding items using voice commands or manual input. It also allows for collaboration, enabling multiple users to contribute to the list simultaneously. Integration with Google Assistant further enhances convenience, as you can manage your list hands-free using voice commands.

  1. xTiles

xTiles combines all of these options. The templates you receive are easy to customize, yet they are thoughtfully designed, with a well-structured layout that can be used without any modifications. The synergy between the desktop and mobile versions enables quick and easy access to your lists, allowing you to jot down your thoughts on future shopping while on the go

While paper shopping lists offer a traditional and tangible approach, smartphone apps and online platforms with list-making features provide the advantages of digital convenience, easy updates, and accessibility across devices. Ultimately, the choice depends on personal preference and the features that best meet your needs and shopping habits.

Why creating shopping lists is advantageous?

After years of the shopping experience, many of us have developed our own routines and rituals. Some of us prefer to buy everything needed for a week and forget about stores till next time. Some of us go there every time after work. Some of us make a quick ride, and some prefer to check everything slowly, etc.

The ever-expanding range of brands and choices can easily overwhelm us. 

The abundance of choices can be daunting and leave us feeling scattered while offering improvements over our everyday purchases at the same time. That often results in returning home with the wrong items or even empty-handed. The surplus of options might lead to overthinking, causing decision paralysis. Conversely, it might also be distracting, leading to overspending and exceeding our budget.

This is where a grocery list comes to the rescue, ensuring efficient shopping without the need to make U-turns for forgotten milk or other essentials. Create a grocery list every time you need to visit the store or keep a standard list for a week, regularly updating it when you require specific items. 

There’s nothing worse than returning home just to realize that you bought soy milk instead of almond milk, forgot the eggs, or purchased more bananas when you already have a ripe bunch in the back of your fridge.

An organized shopping list ensures you’ll never find yourself halfway through a recipe, only to discover that you’re missing essential ingredients. 

How to create an effective shopping list using the xTiles Shopping List Template?

Creating a shopping list is harder than just putting all the items on paper or into an app. If you want it to be helpful, you need to consider a few aspects which will turn a regular list into a powerful tool for maintaining your household.

Let’s create a workable shopping list on the example of a grocery shopping list.

  1. Assess your current stocks:

While it may seem like common sense, it is crucial to be aware of what you already have on hand. This knowledge allows you to accurately identify what you require so that you won’t end up with, let’s say, too much meat and no vegetables or vice versa. 

Begin by opening your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer, and taking inventory of their contents. This compilation serves as your comprehensive list. If you possess multiple storage areas in your home, such as a mini-fridge in the basement, be sure to assess those as well. 

Additionally, take note of the expiration dates for each item. For instance, even if you have a full jug of milk, it becomes necessary to restock if it expires tomorrow.

  1. Organize your priorities through categorized lists:

Begin by examining available items or the previous list, even if it was on a scrap of paper or in saved messages on your favorite messenger. Identify items that are running low and those that you have in abundance. Then, create a separate list of items you currently do not possess. 

To effectively prioritize these items for replenishment, you may establish three distinct running lists. You may label them depending on your preferences. Just choose labels you like or ones that are easy to identify at first glance. When one item starts running low, put it into the category “need to restock.” These priority lists will help you keep your stocks always full. 

Creating separate lists will provide you with the utmost organization. However, if you prefer maintaining only a single list for immediate purchases, that approach works as well. Nevertheless, having a couple of lists – rather than just one list – accessible during your store visit can prove advantageous, especially if you come across a great deal on items you have enough at home.

  1. Opt for a categorization approach:

To enhance your system, consider implementing a categorization system that goes beyond the basic lists and covers your dietary needs, food preferences, household needs, loved ones’ needs, etc.

For example, when the grocery part of your list organization is based on food groups, it provides the benefits of tracking nutrition, increasing awareness of food group consumption, and potentially encouraging a more balanced diet. It is particularly helpful for individuals with allergies or dietary restrictions. 

If your primary focus is efficient shopping and saving time in the store, categorizing your list according to the store layout is recommended. However, keep in mind that this approach works best if you primarily shop at a single store. Keep your go-to store in mind when organizing your list based on the store’s layout.

Adopting a shopping categorization system may add an extra level of organization and efficiency to your shopping routine, aligning it with your specific needs and priorities.

  1. Make additional lists based on specific needs:

In addition to the priority lists, you may create further lists to address specific requirements. For instance, items for special occasions are worth being included in an independent list. 

Suppose you are planning for this week’s meal preparation. In that case, creating a dedicated list is beneficial, considering the need for careful planning. Furthermore, when you intend to follow a new recipe, check if there are any additional or rare ingredients you rarely have at home required and incorporate them into your list.

Suppose you have plans for a romantic and luxurious date night with your significant other. In that case, crafting another list specifically for gourmet shopping or when you go all out to create special meals from scratch is advisable.

These lists will naturally differ significantly from the everyday essentials you purchase weekly.

By creating these additional lists, you can cater to unique occasions, specialized cooking preferences, and specific recipes, ensuring you have a comprehensive and well-organized approach to your shopping endeavors.

  1. Allow flexibility and space for unplanned changes in your planning:

Once you have your lists in order, leaving some room for flexibility, especially regarding sales, is essential. If you have items on your list that will be on sale soon, consider whether it’s possible to postpone their purchase till later.

However, it’s crucial not to let these discounts and deals dictate your entire shopping trip, particularly when it comes to the red-labeled items on your priority list. Stick to your list and try to avoid getting too easily distracted, as it can undermine the purpose and effectiveness of your carefully curated lists.

  1. Track your progress while shopping:

Crossing items off your list as you go provides a sense of accomplishment and helps you stay organized and focused. Remember to mark items off your list as you place them in your shopping cart to avoid unintentional duplicates. You can use check marks or a color coding system to indicate completed items.

When navigating the store, prioritize nonperishable items such as canned foods and chips. For example, buying ice cream when you enter the store may feel rewarding, but it might not make it until you come to the checkout counter. 

By following this sequence, you can maintain the quality and condition of your items throughout your shopping trip.

  1. Regularly review and update your lists:

After creating your lists and completing your weekly shopping, it’s important to check in weekly. Evaluate your inventory and adjust items depending on their priority. 

Ultimately, it is advisable to make weekly grocery trips. However, if your diet heavily relies on fresh produce, you may need to replenish more frequently.

Additionally, special occasions and holidays may call for specific items, so preparation’s essential. Keeping your list up-to-date ensures you are well-prepared and equipped for any situation.

How to create a grocery shopping list?

Crafting a grocery shopping list is a straightforward procedure that fosters organization and guarantees the acquisition of all necessary items. Below we described a detailed approach to creating general shopping lists. Now, let’s look at how to create more specific shopping lists that may become elements of your grand shopping list.

Here are some guidelines for fashioning efficient grocery shopping list:

  1. Check your fridge: 

Before composing the list, survey your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to identify the available items. That helps to prevent purchasing duplicates or unnecessary products.

  1. Plan meals: 

Contemplate the meals you intend to prepare during the upcoming week, including breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. Jot down the required ingredients for each meal. That will help you buy only those items you really need and avoid trying to cook meals out of what you got.

Also, if you have new recipes or special dishes in mind, review the necessary ingredients and add them to the list accordingly.

  1. Account for personal requirements: 

Consider dietary restrictions, allergies, or specific preferences for yourself and your family members or your guests.

  1. Categorize the list: 

Arrange your list into categories such as fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat and seafood, pantry staples, snacks, beverages, etc. That facilitates navigation and efficiency while shopping.

  1. Establish priorities and quantities: 

Identify high-priority items that require immediate purchase. Consider the quantities needed for each item to ensure you won’t run out before your next shopping trip.

  1. Review and refine: 

Prior to heading to the store, review your list to ensure nothing has been overlooked. Make any necessary adjustments or additions as required.

  1. Adhere to the list: 

During your shopping trip, adhere to the items on your list to avoid impulsive purchases and stay within your budget.

By following these steps, you may fashion a comprehensive and well-structured grocery shopping list that meets your requirements, enhances organization, and streamlines your shopping experience.

What to consider when creating shopping lists for specific diets, like a military diet shopping list or a paleo diet shopping list?

Creating shopping lists for specific diets, such as military or paleo, involves several crucial aspects one should follow to reach desired results. Before starting any diet, remember that only a doctor or certified nutritionist can recommend some diets. 

Once you have permission or recommendation from your doctor, you can start creating your shopping list. 

First of all, you need to understand the diet principles. That’s why it’s crucial to talk to professionals. They will also help you to consider macronutrient ratios. You need to familiarize yourself with the guidelines and limitations of the particular diet you’re about to follow. 

Then you need to identify approved food items and compile a list of foods allowed in your diet. 

For keto, this might include foods rich in healthy fats like avocados, nuts, and fatty meats. For paleo, it could involve lean meats, seafood, vegetables, fruits, and so on.

Planning meals is half of the success of sticking to your new diet. Devise a meal plan for the week based on the diet guidelines. This will enable you to identify the necessary items for your shopping list. Also, you will test yourself to see whether the diet suits your food preferences.

No matter your diet, prioritizing fresh and unprocessed foods is always key to a healthy lifestyle.

When in a store, remember to read labels carefully. Many items on your list may be unfamiliar to you, so you need to check them before putting them into your basket. Also, that will help you better understand your diet.

If you have specific dietary needs or allergies, consider them when creating your shopping list. However, it’s better to discuss them with your doctor to find suitable alternatives or substitutes that comply with your diet and fulfill your nutritional needs.

Finally, always embrace flexibility and creativity. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new ingredients and recipes that fit within your dietary framework. Explore different options for flavorings, spices, and cooking methods to keep your meals interesting and enjoyable. Let your diet be an intriguing journey.

How to create a college shopping list?

Crafting a college shopping list is vital to ensure you have all the necessary items for your new living arrangements. Starting a new chapter in life is an exciting moment for parents and children. That’s why every way to ease the process is helpful.

When making a shopping list for college, start with assessing your requirements. Consider the specific items essential to your college lifestyle, taking into account whether you’ll be residing in a dormitory or renting an apartment.

Depending on the previous point, compile a list of essentials. Begin by jotting down the everyday items you’ll rely on, including bedding (sheets, blankets, pillows), towels, toiletries (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap), laundry supplies, and cleaning supplies.

Then consider academic needs. Ponder the supplies necessary for your studies, such as notebooks, pens, highlighters, folders, a backpack or tote bag, and a desk lamp. If you anticipate using a computer, decide if you’ll require a laptop or desktop, along with any associated accessories like a printer.

Don’t forget about attire and personal belongings. Construct a list encompassing clothing items suitable for various occasions, shoes, hangers, a laundry hamper, and personal hygiene products.

You may also account for shared items. If you will be sharing the living space with roommates, you may communicate with them to avoid duplicating certain items, such as cleaning supplies, kitchen utensils, and appliances.

Review and refine your list and ensure the items you bring with you don’t violate college guidelines.

Lists for moving are usually long. That’s why keeping an eye out for deals, discounts, and student offers to make the most of your purchases may be a wise idea. Consider exploring online retailers or stores that specialize in college essentials, providing a wide range of options.

Self-Care Checklist

Design resume

Graphic Designer resumes help you make a great first impression on your potential employer or client.

The correctly crafted resume will ensure you relevant design projects where you can grow, develop new skills, and find innovative solutions. It helps you find clients who are aligned with your vision and approach to work, minimizing the time you spend making amendments afterward.

A graphic design resume template is a quick way to highlight the outcomes you have achieved and demonstrate to potential employers why you would be a valuable addition to their team.

There are many tricks and tips on how to create an effective and attractive resume for a graphic designer or any other kind of designer. Matching them with a ready-to-go xTiles Design Resume Template will help exhibit your design abilities from the best possible angle with little or no effort.

Additionally, we offer you a resume design example to show you the possible result and guide you through the creation process.

What is a resume design?

A resume (you may also know it as a CV or Curriculum Vitae if you’re outside of the US) is a formal document where an individual presents a comprehensive summary of their professional qualifications. It encapsulates relevant work experience, skills, education, and noteworthy achievements, providing employers with a snapshot of a candidate’s capabilities and helping to decide whether the person is qualified enough for their job offering.

Today, applying for a job without a resume is impossible. You will get lost in a stream of other candidates with resumes and portfolios. It’s a vital tool to showcase your qualifications and enhance your chances of being considered for the position. When crafted according to your professional capacities and the company’s offering, it effectively demonstrates your abilities, proving to employers that you possess the necessary qualifications and are a fitting candidate for the role.

Graphic resume design, web design resume, game design resume, UX design resume, etc., all serve the same purpose. They help individuals effectively communicate their skill set, expertise, and accomplishments, proving that they are qualified for the job. 

Quick tip for those who decided to move to Europe: in Europe, the term “CV” is commonly used to refer to what Americans typically call a “resume.” Therefore, when applying for jobs in Europe, you may easily utilize your existing US resume by simply renaming the file as “[Name] CV.” This straightforward adjustment ensures that your application aligns with the terminology and expectations prevalent in European hiring practices.

When do I need a resume design?

Consider your resume as a strategic marketing tool that effectively promotes your skills and qualifications, aiming to persuade employers that you are the ideal candidate. While your portfolio beautifully showcases your design prowess, your resume serves the purpose of articulating the tangible outcomes of your work. It showcases your training, experience, and ability to deliver impactful results.

Remember, your graphic designer resume should not be an exhaustive compilation of every task you’ve undertaken. Instead, it should provide a concise snapshot of your most noteworthy accomplishments. Concentrate on highlighting how your graphic design expertise can contribute to the company’s objectives and aspirations. By focusing on the value you can bring, your resume becomes a persuasive document that captures the attention of potential employers.

Art directors and marketing managers highly value well-designed and visually appealing designer resumes. People who are looking for an interior designer to make their premises look outstanding value representative interior design resume as well. No matter in which design field you operate, you need to have a resume to communicate your skills and visions quickly. Otherwise, you risk getting clients with totally different ideas, which will lead to misunderstandings and stress for both of you.

A resume for a designer increases the chances of being understood and appreciated for what you do. That’s why it is crucial to customize your resume according to the specific job you are seeking and your graphic design skills, experiences, and previous accomplishments. 

If the content of your resume is mostly for a hiring manager or a person who conducts the first screening, its appearance and visual components are for other designers or people who know something about good design.  A thoughtfully crafted resume has a higher chance of capturing their attention and making a strong impression on your potential client or employer.

Design resume templates

By incorporating design principles and demonstrating your typography skills, you can create a visually appealing and engaging resume that captures the attention of art directors and marketing managers. However, when you need to make a couple of them, it becomes challenging. That’s where ready-to-use templates come in handy. They are already designed according to the main principles of design, so you don’t have to worry about that. 

For example, the xTiles Design Resume Template is made by professional designers according to the most important design principles and rules.

  1. White Space

White space is an inevitable element of any modern resume design. It effectively provides visual clarity and gives the reader’s eyes a rest. A well-balanced use of white space creates a clean and organized appearance, making it easier for employers to navigate your resume.

  1. Legible Fonts

They ensure easy readability. The xTiles Design Resume Template offers clear and professional typefaces, enhancing your resume’s overall readability. It also avoids overly decorative or elaborate fonts that may hinder comprehension.

  1. Typography Expertise

As a graphic designer, your knowledge of typography should shine through in your resume. However, how can you demonstrate that if you’re limited in time? The Template helps you to showcase your understanding of different typefaces, font pairings, and typographic hierarchies. It also helps to demonstrate your ability to create visually engaging and harmonious layouts through effective typography.

  1. Fancy Fonts

It allows using fancy fonts in headings, titles, or specific sections to make them stand out and create visual interest. It helps to strike a balance between creativity and readability to maintain a professional appearance.

How to create a graphic design resume using the xTiles template?

While the content in your design resume is significant, hiring managers also evaluate how you present that content. A clean and visually appealing resume with a minimalistic approach is always a perfect decision that won’t steal attention from you and the artwork you included. 

The xTiles Design Resume Template is built according to that principle. It offers you a simple yet sophisticated structure to present you as a professional in the best possible way. You don’t have to worry about fonts, colors, and white space for easy readability because everything has already been handled.

Planning and preparation

  1. Conduct thorough research

Take the time to delve into the company’s realm by familiarizing yourself with its work, mission, values, and challenges. Explore their website, social media platforms, and search for relevant news or articles about the organization.

Your resume should match their needs. That’s why ready-to-use design resume templates are so useful. When applying for a couple of positions, you can quickly tailor a needed number of documents for every company. 

  1. Analyze the job posting

Pay close attention to the specific requirements outlined in the job posting. Identify key skills and qualifications mentioned, and incorporate them into your resume. Some companies use resume-screening software. A resume without relevant keywords, even if you’re the best candidate, might not make it through the initial screening stage.

  1. Curate your most applicable work

Although you may possess an endless portfolio and a vast array of skills, it is crucial to select the most relevant details to answer the company’s exact offer. For instance, if the company seeks someone with branding experience, emphasize your accomplishments in creating impactful and cohesive brand assets.

However, it’s important to keep the document manageable. Don’t add all your previous artwork to the resume. Instead, you may include a hyperlink to your portfolio, enabling employers to explore a more extensive collection of your work.

Crafting your design resume

  1. Personalize your resume

Create a unique resume tailored to each Graphic Designer position you apply for. While a generic resume may seem convenient, customizing your resume helps you stand out from the competition and represent the needed skills and experience each time.

  1. Keep it concise

Focus on providing relevant and impactful information rather than attempting to include every detail. Hiring managers deal with dozens and dozens of resumes every day, so you have only a few seconds to attract them with your document. Use that time to the maximum and provide all the important information about yourself in a brief way. 

Usually, a one-page resume is enough, even for individuals with years of experience and projects under their belt.

  1. Maintain organization

Prioritize readability. Once again, the time a hiring manager can spend reading your resume is limited. They will need to find out that you’re the best match for their position very quickly and not on the third page of your resume. 

You can reach that effect by using clear headings, well-defined sections, and bullet points to structure your content. A well-organized resume will make it easier to navigate and grasp your qualifications in a moment.

Additionally, you never know who will check your design resume during the initial screening process, so you need to ensure that its content is easy to understand for anyone.

  1. Utilize dynamic action verbs

You’re a designer, and creating great visuals is your best skill. However, to get the desired position, you sometimes need to go beyond and over. 

Emphasize your achievements through powerful action verbs. If you have never done something like that before, you may find many examples of action words for resumes on the internet. For example, such verbs as spearheaded, informed, evaluated, advised, conceptualized, trained, focused, individualized, enhanced, shaped, etc., may add strength and impact to your accomplishments.

  1. Demonstrate your skills

Instead of merely stating your abilities, showcase them through tangible evidence. That will speak louder than any descriptions of your previous work. 

Share your past design projects and include links to your work.

  1. Craft accomplishment statements

When listing your professional experiences, create accomplishment statements to provide maximum data in a short, consistent manner. The best formula for your statements is verb + task + result. This structure highlights your contributions and outcomes in a concise and impactful manner.

Reviewing and editing your design resume

  1. Take a fresh perspective

Once you’ve completed the initial draft, give yourself some time away from it, whether a few hours or even a day. The approach you usually take with your work will be good. When you return to review it, you’ll have a clearer mindset and can identify any necessary changes or edits.

Check whether all elements and details of your resume are organized according to one system. Check whether there are no strange compilations of fonts or sizes, which might be very eloquent for a design resume.

  1. Seek a second opinion

It’s beneficial to have a trusted friend, colleague, or mentor review your resume. They can provide valuable feedback on readability and identify any spelling or grammar errors that you might have missed.

If you don’t yet have a fellow designer to show them your resume, just show them the person you trust no matter what industry they work in. People’s eyes usually can perceive small details though designers are better trained and can explain what is wrong and what needs to be improved.

  1. Thoroughly proofread

Before submitting your resume, run a spelling and grammar check. Additionally, you may read your resume aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or other mistakes. That’s a great method many writers use to detect mistakes and strange wording constructions. 

Diligent proofreading is crucial, as resumes with excessive errors may be dismissed immediately. If you’re not sure about your proofreading skills, you may use an application that does it for you. However, be ready that you still will need to read the text after the application finishes correcting or suggesting corrections because none of them is 100% precise, at least yet.

What to include in a designer resume?

You may want to share as many facts about you as possible to persuade the person responsible for hiring new personnel to hire you. However, usually, such an approach brings the opposite results, and you get nothing. Your resume has to be about balance and harmony.

Here are the basic chapters for any design resume which are enough to make people believe you are a great match for their position:

  1. Profile

Grab the hiring manager’s attention and everyone who will read your resume with a captivating profile or summary. Usually, two to four sentences to highlight why you are the best candidate for the position is more than enough. The point is, hiring managers don’t have time to read more during the pre-screening stage. 

Don’t forget to include your key skills, notable achievements, and what you bring to the company. Remember to be humble but confident throughout the whole document.

  1. Experience

Present your relevant professional experience, yet make sure you list them in reverse chronological order. The oldest work is down on the list, and the newest one in the top. 

Include your job title, employer, start and end dates, and location. Craft two to three bullet points for each experience, focusing on your accomplishments rather than just responsibilities. That is the best place to use the active verbs we discussed earlier.

  1. Education

Provide the name of the institution, degree or certification earned, and start and end dates of your training. 

Those who have only recently graduated from a graphic design program and have limited work experience can highlight their educational achievements and relevant projects.

Be ready that the graphic design student’s resume will contain only fewer points in each category. If you’re a novice designer, you need to attract potential employers by your willingness to work hard and develop new skills or by a specific vision and approach no one else has.

  1. Skills and Tools

List your primary technical skills, including the tools and software you are proficient in. Ensure that the skills you highlight align with those mentioned in the job posting.

Here are some basic designer skills you may include or consider including depending on your desired position: Adobe Creative Suite, User Experience (UX) Design, Knowledge of HTML, CSS, Branding and Identity, UI Design, Composition, Color Theory, etc.

Also, remember that your soft skills are important too. Don’t forget that you’re a team player who is great at communicating with others.

  1. Awards/Activities/Other

Include additional sections as necessary to showcase your awards, activities, or involvement in professional organizations. That’s how you can demonstrate your passion for design.

  1. Portfolio

Remember to include a link to your digital portfolio and incorporate specific project links throughout your resume for easy access to your work samples. Your portfolio and your resume should work together. None of it should take all the attention. 

If it’s your first time crafting a portfolio, you may use the xTiles Designer Portfolio Template and the guide we presented.

A design resume is the simplest way to make a great impression on potential clients or employers. And wasting such an opportunity is a crime in the professional world, especially when there are ready-to-use resume templates.

Research Proposal

Creating a compelling research proposal is already on your horizon if you are approaching the final stages of your degree or considering applying for a Ph.D. program.

If you have landed on this page, you are likely seeking detailed information on the nature and importance of a research proposal. And probably some tips and shortcuts to an effective proposal document.

Below, we will embark on a journey into the intricate world of research proposals and research proposal templates, unveiling their purpose, components, and profound relevance within the realm of academic endeavors. 

We also offer you a research proposal example to help you clarify exactly what you must do and understand the essential elements required to fashion a captivating and meticulously structured research proposal.

What is a research proposal?

A research proposal is a formal and organized document to outline your research objectives, justify its importance, and describe the methodology you plan to apply to conduct the investigation.

The primary purpose of a research proposal is to persuade your research supervisor, committee, or university that your research topic is appropriate for the degree program requirements and can be feasibly carried out within the given time and resource constraints.

In other words, your research proposal must effectively present and promote your research idea to those approving it. Failing to convince them of its suitability and feasibility will require you to revise and resubmit, resulting in valuable time loss and potentially delaying the commencement of your research or reducing the allocated time available, which is unfavorable.

Why do I need a research proposal?

As a student, you may need to write a research proposal as part of your graduate school application or before commencing your thesis or dissertation.

Apart from assisting you in building your research, a proposal plays a crucial role in showcasing the significance of your project to potential funders, educational institutions, or supervisors. It demonstrates why your undertaking is worth pursuing and deserving of support.

A research proposal serves several objectives that contribute to its overall cohesiveness. These aims can be categorized into four key areas: relevance, context, approach, and achievability.

Relevance is a crucial aspect of a research proposal. It involves demonstrating to your reader why your project is interesting, original, and important. By clearly articulating your research’s significance and potential impact, you can convince others of its value and garner their support.

Context is another essential element of your proposal. It entails showcasing your familiarity and comfort with your field of study. That involves demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research on your chosen topic. Provide your readers with the context of your research to establish your credibility as a researcher and highlight your ability to build upon existing knowledge.

The approach section of your research proposal focuses on presenting a well-structured case for your chosen methodology. Here, you need to explain the reasoning behind your research methods and provide evidence of careful consideration regarding the data, tools, and procedures necessary to carry out your investigation. By demonstrating a thoughtful approach, you increase confidence in the validity and reliability of your research.

Lastly, achievability refers to confirming that your research project is feasible within the designated timeline of your program or funding deadline. It is important to assess and communicate the practicality of your proposed research, ensuring that it can be realistically executed given the available resources. By addressing this aspect, you establish the credibility and attainability of your project.

By emphasizing the importance of the project, demonstrating your knowledge of the field, justifying your methodology, and confirming its feasibility, you build a solid foundation for gaining support and approval.

Research proposal template

While a research proposal is all about structure and precision, a person who has never written it before might easily go awry once trying. A research proposal template is a shortcut. In other words, it’s a half-made document with a defined structure that only waits for your data to be filled in.

For example, the xTiles Research Proposal Template also provides quick tips for each section of your document to help even those who found out about such a proposal 5 minutes ago to make theirs quickly and efficiently.

Before you start crafting your own document, you may check our proposal research sample to get an understanding of how it should look and what should be there.

Additionally, a template will be a great solution for those who are dangerously close to a deadline. Being a premade document, it saves a great deal of time, helping to manage what is up to you as fast as possible.

Research proposal templates exist in different formats. For example, you may stumble upon a research proposal presentation ppt template. However, it’s better to choose documents that allow a maximum of structured information on one page to ease the lives of people who will read it.

How to write an effective research proposal using the xTiles Research Proposal Template?

A comprehensive research proposal, whether for a dissertation or thesis, should cover three crucial elements: the “what,” the “why,” and the “how” to help you meet your goal – persuade people that it’s worth trying and has potential. 

Let’s dive deeper into each of these aspects by going step-by-step through all the elements:

Project title

Similar to your dissertation or thesis, a research proposal typically begins with a title page providing important information about your project. This creates a cohesive and professional document that establishes the foundation for your research project.

It is essential not to commence writing your proposal until you have a clear topic in mind; otherwise, your proposal may lack coherence and suffer as a consequence.

A proposed title is where you state the title of your research project. It should accurately reflect the essence and focus of your study. Every word is important because you’re limited. So, think carefully about it or ask for advice.

Remember that your topic must also be useful and generate value, and you must effectively convey this value in your proposal. 

Finally, don’t forget to include your full name as the researcher or author of the proposal. This helps identify you as the primary investigator of the proposed research.


To break the ice, continue by explaining why you’re interested in this particular project topic. Even though your research proposal showcases it, a short explanation of your motivation will leave no room for ambiguity and misunderstanding.

Defining a research topic is not sufficient; you must justify originality. What sets it apart? What gap fills in the existing body of literature? Merely rehashing existing research is unlikely to gain approval; your topic needs to offer something fresh.

Be honest with yourself and your “audience,” explaining what is so attractive about your topic.


The introduction section of a research proposal serves as the initial pitch for your project, setting the foundation for the rest of the proposal. It is crucial to concisely communicate what you intend to accomplish and why it is significant.

Within your introduction, it is essential to:

  1. Introduce your topic:

Clearly present the subject matter of your research, providing a concise overview of the area of study you will be exploring.

  1. Provide necessary background and context:

Offer relevant background information to ensure readers understand your research’s broader context. This may include key theories, concepts, or previous studies related to your topic.

  1. Outline your problem statement and research questions:

Clearly state the problem or gap in knowledge that your research aims to address. Present specific research questions that will guide your investigation and help fill the identified gap.

To effectively craft your introduction, consider incorporating the following information:

  1. Identify potential stakeholders:

Highlight the individuals or groups who may have an interest in your research topic, such as scientists, other scholars, or industry professionals.

  1. Assess existing knowledge:

Discuss the current state of knowledge in the field and indicate what is already known about your research topic and what still needs to be clarified.

  1. Justify the research: 

Convey why your proposed research is worth pursuing by outlining its potential benefits, such as advancing scientific understanding, informing policy decisions, or addressing practical challenges.

By effectively structuring and addressing these components in your introduction, you will provide a compelling rationale for your research proposal, capturing the interest and support of your audience.

Ethical issues

Describing the ethical issues associated with the investigation is crucial to demonstrate a strong awareness and dedication to conducting responsible and ethically sound research. 

Depending on your topic and field of investigation, the ethical issues of your proposal will differ. If your topic is theoretical, you need to explain why investigating it is important from an ethical point of view. 

However, if your research includes participants, everything becomes much more complicated. Here are some guidelines for effectively addressing ethical considerations within your research proposal if there are people involved:

  1. Research ethics review: 

Clarify that your research proposal will undergo an ethics review process to ensure compliance with ethical guidelines and regulations.

  1. Informed consent: 

Discuss how you will obtain informed consent from participants or subjects involved in your study.

  1. Confidentiality and privacy: 

Explain the measures you will implement to protect the confidentiality and privacy of participants.

  1. Data collection and handling: 

Detail the methods and procedures for data collection while ensuring participants’ privacy and confidentiality.

  1. Potential risks and benefits:

Discuss the potential risks participants may face and acknowledge your strategies for mitigating and managing these risks.

Problem statement

Originality alone is not the sole criterion for your research proposal. Once you have established its uniqueness, you must also explain why your proposed topic holds significance. In other words, what value will it contribute to the world if your research objectives are achieved?

A problem statement in a research proposal must concisely describe the specific issue or gap in knowledge that your study aims to address. It should clearly define the problem, provide relevant background context, justify its importance, and be framed in a way that allows for measurable objectives or research questions.

Writing a clear and concise problem statement is crucial for establishing the foundation of your research proposal and highlighting the significance of your study.


Writing clear and well-defined objectives in a research proposal is crucial for guiding your study and demonstrating the intended outcomes. Well-crafted objectives act as a roadmap, guiding your research and allowing for the evaluation of project success. They focus your study and provide a basis for assessing research outcomes.

Here are some effective guidelines:

  1. Be specific: 

Clearly state what you aim to achieve, focusing on specific aspects of your study.

  1. Use measurable criteria:

Define your objectives using quantifiable terms or indicators to assess success and outcomes.

  1. Be realistic:

Set attainable objectives within your research project’s resources, time, and limitations of your research project.

  1. Align with the problem statement:

Ensure your objectives directly address the identified research gap or problem statement.

  1. Consider relevance:

Demonstrate how achieving your objectives contributes to knowledge advancement, practical solutions, or theoretical contributions in your field.

  1. Provide clarity:

Write objectives concisely using action verbs, avoiding ambiguity, and using precise language.


Having an excellent and valuable research topic is important, but unfortunately, it doesn’t solve all the problems independently. Without addressing the practical aspects, it will be challenging to gain approval. On the contrary, you might turn your subject useless without a concise and precise description and explanation of your chosen methodology.  

In other words, writing your research proposal, you need to answer next questions:

  1. How will you conduct your research? (i.e., your methodology)
  2. Is your chosen research methodology suitable for achieving your research objectives?
  3. Can you manage your approach within the given constraints (e.g., time, budget)?

It’s important to remember that when writing a research proposal, you should provide a high-level overview of your research methodology because, at this stage, you simply don’t have time to detail every aspect of your approach.

Try to address these significant questions in your research proposal:

  1. What approach will you take?  (for example, qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-method approach). Remember that it must be suitable for your expertise and research.
  2. What sampling strategy will you adopt?
  3. How will you collect data? (e.g., interviews, surveys, etc.)
  4. What data analysis methods will you employ?
  5. What potential limitations may arise from your methodology?

Ultimately, it is crucial to consider the practical aspects of your research and have a basic methodological plan before writing your proposal. 

Thematic Categories

When writing thematic categories in a research proposal, it is important to clearly identify and define the key themes or categories that will guide your data analysis and organization. 

Here are the guidelines to help you effectively incorporate thematic categories into your research proposal, ensuring a clear and structured approach to analyzing and interpreting data within the identified themes:

  1. Determine your research focus by identifying the main areas or topics of interest.
  2. Review relevant literature to identify common themes or concepts that emerge.
  3. Create an initial list of thematic categories that capture the key aspects of your research topic.
  4. Justify the selected categories, explaining their relevance and alignment with your objectives.


Setting a realistic timetable in a research proposal is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures the feasibility of your project within the given timeframe, considering available resources and potential challenges. 

Secondly, it helps plan and organize research activities, allowing for a systematic approach. A well-defined timetable enhances accountability, enabling progress tracking and early issue identification. Additionally, it aids in efficient resource allocation and instills confidence in reviewers and stakeholders, increasing the proposal’s credibility. 


A comprehensive literature review serves as the foundation for your project, showcasing that it is rooted in existing knowledge or theory. It also establishes that your work goes beyond replication by utilizing previous research as a springboard for your own contributions.

Within this section, you should mention resources and other scientists’ works your research will be based on to clarify your approach.

Research brief

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