Student Beans

One tool for your life, work and education

Catch discounts and perks to turn your passion into a results!

StudentBeans special offer

  • Your notes, research, tasks, and more — all in one place.
  • Catch 50% discount for one year for Plus Plan!

Who can apply?






Low Income



Gather everything easy

Take notes from lecturers, add your thoughts, and save gems from the Internet. Bring any content you want.

Keep your knowledge growing

Feel free to organize and reorganize your notes as you want.

Share your work with others

Export your work to pdf, image, or markdown, and send it to others in the file format they prefer.

1000s of Happy users around the world

1000s of Happy users around the world

Take advantage and choose your plan
Monthly Plus
Everything in Free, Starter, and:
50% SAVE
Annual Plus
Everything in Free, Starter, and:
50% SAVE