
Company One Pager

Company One Pager

A company one pager template helps you present your company, tell its story and introduce the team. It will be valuable when communicating with investors and customers or introducing new employees to the company culture.


One Pager Template

There’s a fine line between inspiring people to learn more about what you can offer and discouraging them. How can you put in a couple of sentences everything worthy about your business? Yes, it’s a challenge, but we’re here to help you complete it successfully. Certain rules and principles help to grab people’s attention, so they present us with the most valuable asset they have – time. Then, using the polished structure and refined content to tell them the most important things about ourselves, we can engage our potential audience.

Companies are constantly trying to come up with new methods to be ahead of their competitors and win the fight for people’s attention. However, among all the latest marketing tricks and approaches, few maintain their status quo. These tools have already proved their effectiveness over the last few years, and the latest research shows that it won’t change much over the next few years. 

One of them is a one-pager – a document that presents your business in the most concise yet compelling way. Some may think that one page is not enough to tell everything important. However, once you have a clear structure and know what exactly to put into your company’s one-pager, you will see that that’s the perfect size to introduce your business to everyone who may be interested. The modern world is constantly changing, never stopping for too long on something. That’s why one page is the perfect amount of space to contribute everything you find worthy of sharing.

Before we start working on your one-pager using xTiles template, let’s go over what exactly a one-pager is and why neglecting its creation may be a bad decision.

What is a One Pager?

So, what is a one-pager? It’s your company overview, the essence of your company history, goals, beliefs, values, plans, etc. This document’s name speaks for itself. Telling the world about your company, you will be limited to one page. Is it enough? More than you would think. You have enough space to explain why you’re the one, and the potential customer won’t sacrifice too much time learning it. It’s a win-win situation.

Many business owners would like to talk about their companies for hours which is completely understandable. However, that’s not an option when you try to attract someone’s attention. Maybe later, you could go back and forth, but the beginning should be intriguing, amusing, and arousing interest in your company. Then, you will have a chance to go further and present your customer with every detail.

One-pagers rules no one speaks about

There are certain rules regarding how a one-pager should look and what it should contain. And naturally, when creating one, you will find that there are pitfalls we would like to mention too.

  1. The first rule of a successful one-pager is to make it look easy but give the feeling of how much you have put into it. A well-done job, in this case, a great one-pager, stands out for any company better than anything else. If you can work so devotedly on your one-pager, then you take this approach for everything else.
  2. One-pagers are the best option to tell the most important things about your company in a visually appealing way. Why is the visual part so important? Because it’s what people estimate in the first place. Although we know that there can’t be a lot of text in one-pager, there still is content people need to consume, which takes a couple of minutes. While colors, designs, elements placement, etc., can be checked in a couple of seconds. Visuality is a convincing factor to look further.
  3. A successful one-pager is humble but confident. There’s no need to brag about your achievements because that would be the last thing that helps to build credibility.
  4. Your one-pager is about your audience, their needs, and how your company and its features may help. When you start working on it and through the whole process, try to put yourself in potential readers’ shoes. Would you hastily nod to every sentence? 

When do you need a One Pager?

An attention-grabbing one-pager will come in handy for different purposes. The main and foremost is to attract attention to your company and what you do. One-pagers help to pitch potential investors or customers. It’s likely to be the first step for long cooperation. However, the scope of the application may be much wider.

  1. One-pagers are good for advertising your business, providing people with a clear image of your company in the shortest possible time. 
  2. They work as a guarantee of quality, building your company’s reliability. The fact that someone devoted their time to creating a document that saves time and effort to learn something is appealing.
  3. Your one-pager is not a one-time action. Although any company tries to evolve and develop, it still will be up-to-date for some time. And next time you need to make a new one-pager or renovate the existing one, you will know what exactly should be there.
  4. A one-pager may also be a great element of onboarding for new employees or all applicants. It’s good to convey your company’s value not only to potential customers or investors but also to those who want to become team members.

One Pager elements

We understand that there is so much of everything you would like to share. One-pager size might be a challenge. What should be there? What is not so important and can be deleted? These are hard questions. That’s why one-pager templates are so helpful and needed. They spare you the torment of choice, offering you a polished formula of what needs to be said.

Sometimes, people start working on a one-pager by looking for other companies’ one-pagers ideas. It may seem that the internet is full of one-pagers examples. The thing is that each company is different and what suits one is likely to be useless for others. However, research and comparison is always an intelligent decision if only you have enough time.

Creating our example of a one-pager, we checked hundreds of them to come up with the perfect structure. Here’s what we’ve learned about a one-pager that captures attention and holds it till the last word.

You can divide a page into three equal zones. Each of them is hugely important and better not be skipped. It may seem that the top of a one-pager is more significant than the bottom, but it’s not quite true. They simply differ because of the information you put there. If the content is distributed properly, each of them would be attractive and interesting to a reader.

What to put at the top of your one pager?

  1. Obviously, it’s good to start with your company’s logo. Let them know you and let them know what to expect. It sets the tone for further introduction. You also can share your company’s short story. It will break the ice and let them know and understand you better.
  2. The logo played its role, and now your pain points have to grab their attention and hold it. Find what your audience specifically needs/wants and give them something they can relate to. In this part, trying to win everyone’s hearts might play a bad joke with your expectations from your one-pager. So, be as specific as possible.
  3. Finally, give the solution, the climax everyone seeks. Tell your audience that the problem described in the pain points is not a problem at all if you’re in this together. 

What to put in the middle of your one pager?

Now you can talk about your business and its features a bit more. The middle part of a one-pager is a good place to tell them why your company is special and how it works. It may be a list of benefits (24/7 service, trained employees, guarantees, advanced techniques and approaches, etc.). 

If you think such a list will not speak for itself and might not seem very convincing, you can use a “so what?” trick. Question every benefit and answer, prioritizing your audience’s needs. What does it give to you? You provide the audience with additional facts and avoid misunderstandings, explaining what exactly hides behind each feature you offer.

To conclude everything mentioned above, you can share what benefits the audience will get from your specific features.

What to put at the bottom of your one pager?

Now, let’s inspire your audience to take action and get in touch with you. The last part of our one-pager structure is CTA (call to action) and your contact information.

  1. CTA should be catchy and relatable but try to avoid using cliches or cheezy phrases from your sphere that everyone is already tired of. So, there are only two options – be simple and true or be creative. 

Be very careful with jokes and puns, as they might level out everything you’ve reached with all the previous text.

  1. Add your phone number and email address and everything you can freely include – your social media, especially. Let it be easy to find and learn more about you.

Optionally, and if there’s enough place, you can share your testimonials. They will work as your advertisement too.

Other tips for creating your best one pager

We’re almost finished. You have our one-pager template, and we reviewed the most important parts and elements. Let’s finish with the last tips that will complement the overall picture.

  1. Since your one-pager is supposed to present your company, it would be good to have the team members involved. Take many visions of your business and summarize them.
  2. Sometimes, trying to be serious in their one-pagers, people accidentally cross the line and fall into boredom. Besides presenting the right information, you need to do it the right way – making it easy and appealing.
  3. You might need more than words to deliver your message. Visual content will be a great addition. Videos, images, GIFs, etc., are far easier to remember than text. However, you should be careful in maintaining the balance. We’ve seen many one-pagers examples where rich media are superior to textual elements making it hard to concentrate on the information.
  4. Make your pitch document fully responsive. Many users prefer to get information using their phones. And if there’s no mobile version of your one-pager and a person needs to zoom and scroll all the way, it might be a powerful factor to stop. 
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  • What is a one pager?

    A one pager is a single page document that provides a concise overview of a business, project, or idea. You can see an example of a van pager in our demo.

  • What should a one pager include?

    A one pager should include a summary of the project or business, key features, benefits, target audience, and contact information.

  • What is the format of a one pager?

    The format of a one pager can vary, but it should be visually appealing and easy to read. It can include graphics, charts, or tables to convey information.

  • How do I create a startup one pager?

    To create a startup one pager, you should focus on highlighting the unique value proposition of your business, target market, key features, and your team's expertise. Explore our demo to see an example of our Company One Pager.

  • How do I write a one pager for a meeting?

    To write a one pager for a meeting, you should focus on providing a brief summary of the topic or project, key points, and action items.

  • What is the point of a one pager?

    The point of a one pager is to provide a quick and concise summary of a business, project, or idea that can be easily shared and understood by others.

  • How to write a one pager?

    To write a one pager, you should focus on providing a clear and concise summary of the most important information about your business, project, or idea, while also making it visually appealing and easy to read. You can check out a demo of our Company One Pager for an example.

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