
Change Your Brain Every Day: 5 Surprising Ways to Rewire Your Brain

11 min to read

Did you know that your brain can change and adapt over your entire lifetime? It’s called neuroplasticity and is the very core to maximizing your brain’s potential.

The human brain is so flexible that it tends to reorganize itself, developing new wiring in response to our experiences, behaviors, and environment. In simple words, it can be said that every day we can change our brain with some proper daily habits and activities.

This article will present to you ten surprising yet doable ways through which you can daily rewire your brain and come up with strategies for lifelong success, improved brain health, and the highest overall quality of life.

Not all of the above-mentioned practices may become change-producing life wisdom that you would practice daily, but even in their simplicity, even in their easiest form, they will bring some benefit into your life. Like the world-class psychiatrist and clinical neuroscientist Dr. Daniel Amen, MD, New York Times bestselling author (he will become our great friend on this brain mind and life-changing journey) says, “When you take care of your brain, your brain takes care of you.”

Brain plasticity and its importance

Central to our ability to change our brain every day is something called “neuroplasticity”—the amazing capacity of our brain to change its structure and function in response to changes at behavioral and environmental levels. This means our brains are anything but static; instead, they are dynamic organs—actually capable of rewiring themselves with scant assistance from the owner.

The brain is continuously adaptive and changing during the course of life, based on the material it works but at the same time on new skills learned, new memories formed, or novel experiences encountered in order to strengthen or to forge new networks between the cells of the brain. In other ways, our brain is the largest database in this world.

The importance of neuroplasticity for learning, memory, and overall brain health

The implications for neuroplasticity are profound: understanding the ability of the brain to rewire and change itself may enable us to unlock lifelong learning potential, sharpen memory and focus, and protect the mind from the overall health decline that often accompanies the aging process.

One of the major life lessons Dr. Amen, a clinical neuroscientist, has offered can be presented through this simple assumption: “The more you use your brain, the more you can improve brain function.” People have a shot at refashioning and even increasing the very fabric of their minds—largely through simple but powerful changes.

How to change your brain? Everyday practices for success

1. Learn a new skill

We bet you’ve already suspected that when you develop positive lifestyle habits, you change not only your brain but also you life. That is exactly what Dr. Daniel Amen, MD, one of the most popular psychiatrists and clinical neuroscientists, confirms. That is because the very process of assessing health habits and new skills kind of sets up new neural ways and consolidates connections among various areas of the brain.

Learning a new motor skill—such as juggling or playing a musical instrument—might improve your memory, moods, focus, energy, habits, and relationships.

Tips for choosing a skill to learn and sticking with it

So, while choosing one of these skills, consider your interest and passion: maybe you always wanted to learn a new language, try  woodworing, or master the art of calligraphy. The key is to select a skill that aligns with your personal goals and that you’ll feel motivated to practice regularly.

To help make this positive lifestyle habit easier, Dr. Amen has recommended starting out by incorporating Amen’s “tiny habits.” These are very little, doable changes that one may easily and unconsciously make in their everyday life. Pretty soon, these tiny habits add up, and you change your brain and your life.

You can use the xTiles Habit Tracker Template to track your ups and downs and get to your goal being perfectly aware of what is going on. This tool will give you an ongoing sense of purpose.

2. Exercise your body

Here is another life changing daily wisdom you probably have already known — when it comes to changing your brain every day, don’t underestimate the power of physical exercise. As clinical neuroscientist Daniel Amen, MD, puts it, “The health of your body directly impacts the health of your brain.” Brain scans can actually display the positive changes that occur in your brain once you get into some form of regular physical activity.

Exercise promotes the growth of new brain cells and strengthens neural connections

Exercise has further been found to trigger the growth of new brain cells, referred to as neurogenesis, more so in the hippocampus—part of the brain responsible for controlling learning and memory. And that’s not all: exercise is also contributing to the formation of neural connections, or neural pathways that can increase cognitive capacity, produce better mood, and support better health of the whole brain.

Types of physical activity

There are numerous daily practices to strengthen your brain health. From aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking, running, or swimming, to strength training, yoga, or even dancing, there are lots of ways you could fit in some form of physical activity on a daily basis. Aerobic exercises have been found to improve memory and concentration, while strength training helps in improving executive functions and decision-making abilities.

Yoga, along with other mindful movement practices, has been known to reduce stress, promote feelings of inner peace, and even boost gray matter volume in the brain. Experiment with a variety of activities to help you build useful and beneficial habits that suit your brain health and, of course, your general well-being.

You can use the xTiles Fitness Calendar to help yourself stay consistent and have real proof of your progress. If you aim for success, develop lifelong strategies to change your brain every single day. Since constant movement is something we need even more when we’re aging, exercising is important.

3. Meditate regularly

The science behind the brain-boosting effects of meditation

One of the most powerful ways to change your brain every day is through the practice of meditation. As our good friend, the respected and esteemed psychiatrist and clinical neuroscientist Daniel Amen, MD, puts it, “Meditation is like exercise for your brain.” Well, there’s really pretty compelling science behind that. In study after study, regular practice of meditation has been found to change the very structure and functioning of one’s brain.

Benefits of meditation

Meditation works through the continuous practice of keeping focused on some object or through an exercise of memory, like mindfulness or memory exercise, which is said to offer benefits in terms of focus and concentration, reduction of stress and anxiety, and emotional modulation. These benefits are thought to be due to changes meditation brings to the brain by increasing the volume of gray matter in regions known to be important for learning, memory, and emotional control. It decreases activity in the amygdala, the region of the brain that processes fear and other negative emotions.

Easy-to-follow meditation techniques for beginners

The idea of starting a daily meditation practice may seem really daunting if you’re just a beginner, but remind yourself that it can start from just a few minutes every day. You might start small with something like practicing for 5 minutes a day in a style of meditation that focuses on the breath or does a simple body scan.

With this, over weeks or months, you may feel very comfortable, so you then start adding time and complexity to some of your meditation sessions. Besides, guided meditations may also come in the form of mobile applications and online videos that make it very easy for beginners to create a consistent and effective routine of meditation.

4. Get enough sleep

The critical role of sleep in brain function and neuroplasticity

One of the most underrated but very essential lifetime strategies for success and better brain quality development is getting enough quality sleep. Tens of thousands of people stay late scrolling through their phones these days. As clinical neuroscientist Daniel Amen, MD, says, “Sleep is the foundation of your brain health.” It is while sleeping that some very important processes supporting learning, consolidation of memory, and neuroplasticity of the brain—the changeable and adaptive ability of the human brain—take place.

In other words, if you want to improve brain health, you need to sleep. Many mental health issues, like burnout, depression, brain fatigue might be caused by a lack of sleep. Also, your physical health depends on your sleep patterns, too. All the prominent psychiatrists will tell you that if you don’t believe random people on the internet.

How lack of sleep can impair cognitive performance and mental well-being

In contrast, chronic sleep loss can cripple our cognitive abilities, emotional regulation, and overall mental health. Not sleeping enough may bring difficulties with memory, and trying to do things that need a lot of concentration may also bring problems. Changes in mood and energy may be caused by a lack of sleep, so in general, it affects us by not allowing ourselves to function at their highest potential and might also be a cause for the mental illness that might slowly arise.

Tips for establishing a healthy sleep routine

To ensure your brain is getting the rest it needs, it’s essential to prioritize a consistent sleep routine. First, aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. There are very manageable daily practices to improve your sleep routine.

Make it a habit to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. Limit exposure to blue light from screens before bedtime, establish a calming pre-bed ritual, and create a sleep-conducive environment in your bedroom. Keeping these life-changing daily habits as a top priority will help you optimize your brain health and unlock your full potential.

Also, limiting caffeine, especially afternoon, will better your physical functioning in the long run and your sleep routine.

Challenge your brain

The importance of cognitive stimulation and mental challenges

While the physical and meditative practices we’ve explored are part of a great approach to changing your brain every day, cognitive stimulation is the other component of enhancing brain health. As the eminent psychiatrist and clinical neuroscientist Daniel Amen, M.D., has written, “The more you use your brain, the more you improve your brain.” In much the same way that physical exercise will preserve or build muscle, mental activity can keep the brain active, sharpen pre-existing neural connections, and even promote the development of new brain cells.

Examples of brain-stimulating activities

From crossword puzzles to sudoku, memory games, and brain teasers, there are a lot of activities meant to give your brain a little workout. One sudoku a day keeps a doctor away 🙃.

Exercises like these have been found to improve focus, enhance problem-solving skills, and sometimes even boost memory and mood. Participation in such reasoning games may strengthen one’s mind, memory, and ability to resolve challenges, as has been shown by brain scans. Imagine that you can change your brain every day while playing your favorite flashcard game on using Duolingo while commuting to work.

Ways to incorporate these activities into daily life

To get the most out of such brain-boosting activities, motivate yourself to be creative in ways through which you can add some cognitive challenges to your daily routine. Make sure you’ve got some time each day to engage in some sort of puzzle or even a memory game on your phone.

It could be something to learn, like playing an instrument or getting to the point of coding, whatever it is, giving your mind a constant workout. Even simple daily practices—like traveling to work or doing household chores—can be turned into brain-stimulating exercises by listening to educational podcasts or doing something mentally challenging. A tiny step a day and effective daily habits can improve brain health, and you will unlock its full potential by prioritizing these life-changing daily habits.

5. Аdditional easy ways to change your brain every day

Socialize Regularly

Maintaining a robust social network and engaging in regular social interactions can profoundly impact your brain health. Socializing has been linked to increased neural plasticity, improved mood, and a reduced risk of cognitive decline.

Positive social interactions can enhance neural plasticity and emotional well-being, which in turn improve memory, problem-solving skills, and overall cognitive function.

To support these benefits, schedule regular social activities, such as monthly game nights, weekly coffee dates, or virtual book clubs, to keep your social network active and vibrant.

Practice Gratitude

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude through daily journaling, meditation, or simply taking a few moments to reflect on the positive aspects of your life can significantly boost brain function, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

Gratitude can improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression, and inspire the release of feel-good neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine.

To practice this daily, consider keeping a gratitude journal or taking a few minutes each morning to think about what you are thankful for. This simple exercise can make a profound impact on your mental health and emotional balance.

Embrace Lifelong Learning

Continuously challenging yourself to learn new things, such as a foreign language, a new hobby, or a complex skill, can stimulate neurogenesis and strengthen your mind, memory, and neural connections throughout your lifetime.

Lifelong learning not only promotes the growth of new brain cells but also enhances cognitive flexibility and adaptability by strengthening neural connections.

To keep engaging your brain, explore new learning opportunities that align with your interests. Whether it’s taking an online course, learning a new musical instrument, or diving into books on topics you’ve always been curious about, each activity can enrich your cognitive reserves and keep your mind sharp.

Nourish Your Brain

Consuming a brain-healthy diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and other essential nutrients can protect your brain from inflammation, improve cognitive performance, and support long-term brain health.

A brain-nourishing diet provides the essential nutrients needed for optimal brain function, supporting everything from memory and focus to mood and energy levels.

Incorporate brain-healthy foods into your diet, such as fatty fish, berries, leafy greens, and nuts, and consider supplements if necessary to ensure you’re getting all the nutrients your brain needs to thrive.

Manage Stress

Chronic stress is detrimental to the brain: it damages memory, reduces concentration, and in some cases, might even prove harmful to neurons. It means that stress can change your brain, but not in the way you want.

Incorporating stress-reducing activities such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness practices can help mitigate these negative impacts.

Effective stress management techniques can preserve brain structure, enhance emotional regulation, and improve overall cognitive performance.

Experiment with various stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, guided meditations, or mindfulness walks, to find the ones that work best for you. These practices can be vital in maintaining your mental health and cognitive abilities.


We’ve spoken a lot about the amazing power of neuroplasticity and how simple, everyday habits and activities can literally rewire your brain in some pretty remarkable ways.

Incorporating activities that challenge your brain, like learning a new skill or engaging in regular exercise, can positively impact your mind, memory, moods, focus, energy, habits, and overall health.

So, what are you waiting for? Engage in these daily practices that can truly transform your life and start you on the journey of self-improvement and brain optimization. You’re only a few simple steps away from being the very best version of yourself, and xTiles is here to assist!


1. What is neuroplasticity and why is it important?

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s remarkable ability to modify its structure and function in response to changes in behavior and environment. Understanding and harnessing neuroplasticity is crucial as it allows us to unlock our potential for lifelong learning, sharpen our memory and focus, and protect our brain health as we age.

2. How can learning a new skill change the brain?

Learning a new skill, such as playing a musical instrument or learning to code, can stimulate the formation of new neural pathways and strengthen existing connections in the brain. This process of neuroplasticity can improve memory, enhance focus and concentration, and even boost creative thinking.

3. What are the benefits of regular exercise for the brain?

Regular physical activity promotes the growth of new brain cells, particularly in the hippocampus, which is responsible for learning and memory. Exercise also strengthens neural connections, leading to improved cognitive function, better mood, and overall brain health.

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